Iphone/Ipad iCloud Bypass Tool FREE iOS 8.4

Permanently Remove and Bypass iCloud Lock for iPhone 6 Plus, 6, 5c, 5s, 5, 4s, 4

        Did you bought an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus from from second hand retailer. Or perhaps you have bought it from eBay or other internet site and now you have a device which is Locked by iCloud os so cold iCloud Locked. Then relax because we have found a way to remove the iCloud lock, Bypass iCloud Lock from your device even if you cannot contact the previous owner and you do not know his Apple ID and password. Yes, this is possible and you will not be required to go to Apple store to do this.

1.You need first to Download the Unlock Tool 
           RemoveiCloudTool download

2.double click and Run the iCloud Unlock tool. The Installation Wizard will appear and do all the work for you just need to click Next until it’s over. On you Desktop you should have posted a shortcut of Bypass iCloud Lock Unlock Tool, double click and Run As Administrator.

3.Fallow the Screenshots Below

. Check the I agree the terms of Use and Press Unlock, now all data been processed in our servers the results will be sent to your email (the same email you have enter it) in the moment.

On this way you are completely protected from stealing your new Apple ID sended to your email and you are done, use it wisely this tool because if you use twice on the same email it will result an error and you must report all process from the beginning with new email address.

New Method to Bypass iCloud Lock iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus

  Almost the same procedure above just select what iphone You have to bypass.

 Download Here for Iphone 6 and 6+

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